FGF 21 is a biomarker for obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome research
- Assay Range: 3.125 ~ 200 pg/mL
- Sensitivity: 1 pg/mL
- Calibration by rh FGF21 Recombinant
- Monoclonal Antibody Pair
- Samples Tested: Serum, Plasma
- 96 T
- Chemiluminescence ELISA and Luminescence Reader (Top)
- Protocol: SK00145-16
Citations for this monoclonal antibody pair:
Pasiyeshvili L. M, Ivanova K. V. "Metabolic Values of Fibroblasts Growth Factor 21 in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease and Obesity" JMBS 2018, 3(4): 110–114